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Raw Materials / Slips: Albany, Alberta, Sheffield / Sheffield Slip

Sheffield Slip

This clay is an excellent substitute for the now unavailable Albany Slip Clay and can be used for the same applications with some minor modifications.

Sheffield Slip Clay is currently being used in a wide range of applications, including moist clays, glazes, grinding wheels, and other abrasives both here and abroad.

The clay is mined from the ceramic grade clay in an extensive deposit located in Sheffield, Massachusetts. The mine has been in continuous operation since 1945.

Sheffield Slip Clay is uniform in content and particle size and can be relied on to produce dependable results.

A geological comparison review of the Sheffield and Albany clays, as well as a chemical analysis, are available.


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Alberta Slip (44# bag) Albany Slip substitute
Albany Substitute (slip clay)
Raw Materials / Slips: Albany, Alberta, Sheffield / Sheffield Slip