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Large Studio Equipment / Slab Rollers / SlabMat


What is SlabMat?

SlabMat is a proprietary non-woven fabric that provides a smooth surface for clay work. Unlike canvas, SlabMat has no weave for clay dust to sift through, and therefore is cleaner for studio use.

• HandBuilding mats are pre-cut to convenient sizes.

• Avoid clay body contamination - use separate pieces of SlabMat for each type or color of clay

• For hand building, or slabs rolled out with a rolling pin, you may use one piece of SlabMat. If your table is slick, use a piece of rubber shelf liner under the SlabMat to keep it from sliding.

• For long slabs (>23") on a slab roller, use two full-length sheets of SlabMat with the clay sandwiched in between. SlabMat can also be used in combination with canvas to get one side textured and one smooth. Place the canvas on the bottom for it to absorb the most water.

• For shorter slabs (<23") on a slab roller, use one piece of full size SlabMat folded in half with the clay sandwiched in between the folded mat. Note: If you use this technique for rolling, the crease in the mat is permanent

Handbuilding Mats are made of the same material as the full-sized SlabMats. They are ideal for hand construction projects. Available in a 12 mat set (12 x 14) or individually 14 x 16" and 16 x 22"

SlabMats are available in 7 sizes: Narrow to Wide to fit most slab roller models.


Item Product SKU Name Size Price Qty Add
THDHM12 Economy 12-pack Handbuilding Mats (12) 12 x 14 $46.00  Add
THDHML Large Handbuilding Mat16 x 22 $11.50  Add
THDHMS Small Handbuilding Mat14 x 16 $8.00  Add
THDSMLN Long Narrow SlabMat14 x 60 $21.25  Add
THDSMLS Long Standard SlabMat22 x 60 $28.75  Add
THDSMLW Long Wide SlabMat30 x 60 $44.75  Add
THDSMN Narrow SlabMat14 x 50 $18.50  Add
THDSMS Standard SlabMat22 x 50 $26.00  Add
THDSMSW Short Wide SlabMat30 x 44 $28.75  Add
THDSMW Wide SlabMat30 x 50 $43.75  Add
Large Studio Equipment / Slab Rollers / SlabMat